Krystal Madison, known as "The Witch of Sleepy Hollow", is a Puerto Rican Bruja, Espiritista and Sancista, (Umbanda Boricua) born into a family of Brujos and Santeras on her maternal side from Fajardo, Puerto Rico, and Hungarian gypsy on her paternal side.
She embraces both sides of her ancestral lineage of magick; the European influences and practices of folk magic of her father's side, and the Afro- Caribbean and Native American traditions of her mother's side.
Raised in the Catholic Church, she incorporates folk Catholicism and Ancestral veneration (Espiritismo) is a prominent aspect of her practice, is a devotee of Santa Muerte and has extensive knowledge of working with Catholic Saints, La Madama Spirits and Congo Spirits.
Krystal spent a significant amount of time in New Orleans and the Deep South, learning the art of Southern Conjure and New Orleans Voodoo and dedicates her life in service to the spirits, as well as the magickal and Occult arts.